This webinar introduces the capabilities of a new video-rate that enables imaging at speeds 300X faster than conventional AFMs and even an order of magnitude faster than current “fast scanning” AFMs. The ability to capture movies with temporal resolution better than 100 milliseconds opens a wide range of dynamic processes to investigation with AFM. Preliminary results including the real-time self-assembly of collagen into fibrils, the enzymatic cleaving of DNA, and the migration of surfactant micelles on graphite will be presented. Additionally, related experiments such as the melting and re-crystallization of polymers will be shown and future research opportunities that might be enabled by this technology will be discussed. Finally, we will briefly review the of the used for this work, the newly released Asylum Research Cypher VRS, the first and only full-featured video-rate .
“We live in exciting times for ,” said Dr. Viani. “Never before has there been a video-rate that is full-featured, -resolution, and easy-to-use. Any scientists seeking a solution to study dynamic processes at the nanoscale should join us for the webinar. We have only just scratched the of the vast potential of the new Cypher VRS . It’s not often that a new technology suddenly creates so many new research opportunities. I’m looking forward to seeing what our first users discover.”
Dr. Mario Viani, Director of R&D at Asylum Research
Dr. Marta Kocun, Applications Scientist at Asylum Research